Sexual Harassment:
Includes unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors when such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of the receipt of educational or other school related benefits, or such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for educational or other school related decisions affecting that individual.
A student who feels he or she has been bullied, hazed, sexually harassed, or cyberbullied should inform a School District staff member. All school employees are required to report alleged violations of this policy to the Principal or his/her designee. All other members of the school community, including students, parents/legal guardians, volunteers and visitors, are encouraged to report any act that may be a violation of this Policy. There are no express time limits for initiating complaints under this Board policy. However, every effort should be made to bring complaints to the attention of appropriate authorities as soon as possible while memories are fresh and witnesses continue to be available. Complaints will be investigated. If it is determined that a violation has occurred, prompt corrective action will be taken.
During the investigation, confidentiality will be maintained to the utmost extent possible. Complainants will be offered counseling and other assistance when appropriate and will be informed of the results of any investigation. After all building level interventions have been exhausted, students or parents of students may file a formal written complaint of discrimination or harassment with the Associate Superintendent’s Office/Complaint Manager, Dr. Kenneth Scott at scottk@sd149.org.